
Mysterious Ngora Underground Roads! Police Clarifies


By John Ogulei



Police in Ngora District have revealed that the video circulating over the alleged underground road is not true but rather an underground cave.

According to the East Kyoga Police Spokesperson ASP Ageca Oscar Gregg, Preliminary findings note that the alleged road is actually a system of underground caves.

A cave is a natural void in the ground, specifically a space large enough for a human to enter. Caves are often formed by the weathering of rock and often extend deep underground.Caves can range widely in size, and are formed by various geological processes.

While addressing the media, the police insist that all kinds of mystical inferences are not true and have police to secure the scene.

The alleged road was found on 21st /O6/2021 in Kokong parish, Kapir Sub County in Ngora district

“It’s stated that on the 21st/June/2021 a man who was digging a pit latrine found an empty and open space below the pit. He consequently called his colleagues and the village which explored it alleging it was a road and the clip has been vigorously shared on social media,” Said Ageca.

He has now urged the public, particularly the residents of Kokong Parish, that the place is out of bounds to the public.

“The action to ban the cave exploration is in the interest of public safety and health care concerns of the citizenry of this distinguished republic,” Added East Kyoga Police spokesman.

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