
Mbale City Council, Boda Boda Riders at War over New Tax

By Weswa Ronnie




Boda boda riders operating at Industrial City Division in Mbale City have rejected the new tax which was passed by the city council recently.


Early this week, the Industrial City Division Council passed a new tax of Shs40,000 to be paid by each boda boda rider starting the next financial year 2022/2023.


According to Badiru Wamundu, the Speaker of Mbale motorcycle operators and owners association, they are not ready to pay the tax as boda boda riders.


He adds that Industrial city should have first consulted them before coming up with the tax arguing that they are just recovering from covid19 lock down and are suffering from high fuel prices.




Samuel Wetete, also boda boda rider operating at Bam shopping centre stage, says that they are ready to hold a peaceful demonstration if the council authorities risk asking them to pay that tax.


Wetete argues that President Museveni exempted Taxis and boda bodas from paying any tax.


However, Musa Kasaja, the Speaker of Industrial city division council says that that tax is going to be paid once in their entire life of operation.


He appealed to the boda boda riders to welcome the tax since it is going to be used for allocating all boda boda riders to various stages, buying for them rubbish bins, constructing for them shades at their stages among others such that they can promote order and cleanliness in town.

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