NGORA: Police in Ngora district have arrested Ngora Chief Administrative Officer Mr Wadada Lawrence and other four technical officers for allegedly mismanaging the Parish Development Funds.
The other officers include; Mr Charles Elungat the Chief Finance Officer (CFO), Mr Mackay Otai – the district planner, and Ms Priscilla Asio – The District production Officer (DPO) over embezzlement of Parish Development Model funds vide SD REF: 23/07/09/21.
Mr Oscar Gregory Ageca, the East Kyoga police spokesperson said the officials were arrested today and that others are at large.
“The above arrest was occasioned through information availed by whistleblowers and through coordination by the office of the Resident District Commissioner of Ngora district who had raised a concern of the embezzlement of funds of about Shs 200,000,000 meant for PDM for the months of July and August 2022” said Mr Ageca.
He said following this tip-off, police swung into action for inquiries and possible apprehension of all persons involved in the alleged act of embezzlement of PDM funds.
He added that the accused officers were found in the office of the Chief Accounting Officer conducting a meeting and that when they saw police, they scattered and ran away.
“As they scattered, we chased and arrested them and they are currently being detained at Ngora CPS pending their transfer to East Kyoga Regional Police Command to enable further investigation into this alleged mismanagement of public resources”, said Mr Ageca. Ends