
JUST IN: Electoral Commissioners Tenure Ends

By Our Reporter


The Term of Office for Electoral Commissioners has come to an end.


In a statement shared in Twitter, the Electoral Commission announced that the Commissioners led by Justice Byabakama M. Simon ended on the 7th January, 2024.


“The Management and Staff of the Electoral Commission congratulate the Members of the Commission on the successful completion of their term of office for the period 7th January 2017 to 7th January 2024,” reads the statement in part.


Other Commissioners who may soon be out of office if President Museveni does not reappoint them are; Hajjat Aisha M. Lubega Basajjanaku who has been the Deputy Chairperson, Mrs. Justine Ahabwe Mugabi, Hon. Stephen Tashobya, Ms. Nathaline Etomaru, Al-Haji Sebaggala M. Kigozi and Mr. Emorut James Peter.



The statement shows that during this period, members of the Commission provided strategic leadership and policy direction that facilitated the overall organisation, coordination, and implementation of electoral programmes and activities.


The Commission organized and conducted Administrative Units (LC 1 & II) Elections in 2018, Women Councils &Committees Elections in 2018, General Elections 2020/21 (Presidential, General Parliamentary and Local Gov’t Councils.


The Commission also conducted thirty-nine (39) Parliamentary by-elections Twelve (12) District Chairperson (LC 5) by-elections, and By-elections for seven hundred and sixty-two (762) lower Local Government Council positions.


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