By Weswa Ronnie

Donors are planning to withdraw their funding for the Social Assistance Grant for Empowerment [SAGE] effective July 2022.
This was revealed yesterday 1st June 2022, Flavia Kabahenda Rwabuhoro, the Woman Member of Parliament Rwabuhoro Kyegegwa District during the evaluation of the program in Bukedea.
Hon. Flavia Kabahenda Rwabuhoro who led the team of MPs on the committee of Gender Labour and Social Development said that although donors are going to withdraw their funding after their time expiring, government is committed to do what it take to continue funding program.
Donors from the UK and Ireland have been funding this program since the year 2010, however the funding is coming to an end next month according to the agreement.
90% has been funded by donors at 14 districts in the whole country like Manafwa, Bukedea, Bududa among others.
This program has been empowering old people in terms of improving their household income by giving them 25,000/= per month.
Kabanda urged the older persons from 14 districts not to get worried but to be calm saying that the program is going to continue.
John Robert Okwi, aged 83 years, thanked the government for thinking about them as old persons because they can now buy some items of their choice with the money.
He also urged the government to raise the money to 30,000/= such that they can benefit well.