By Juma Magino

The Bugwe Cultural institution has installed His Royal Highness Robert Obara Nahaama III as the new leader locally known as “Omwenengo wa Bugwe” replacing his father Philip Nahaama Hasibante II who died on 2/03/2023 while receiving treatment in India.
The installation event that was graced by clan leaders, cultural cabinet ministers, and other invited guests was held on 14/03/2023 at the Omwenengo’s Palace in Busumba Village, Dabani Sub-county, Busia district.

According to the Obwene’ngo constitution, it stipulates that the heir has to be installed on the throne before the fallen king is put to rest. The constitution further states that the King has to choose one of his children to replace him when he dies. It is reported that the deceased had already endorsed his son Prince Robert Obara Nahaama III during a cabinet meeting at his palace.
During the installation event, Arafat Egesa, the Deputy Prime minister of Obwenengo Bwa Bugwe disclosed that the remains of the deceased King will arrive in the country via Entebbe international airport on Saturday 18/03/2023 and the burial program will be communicated thereafter.
He applauded the government of Uganda particularly President Yoweri K. Museveni for supporting the institution since it was re-established in 2017 and as well as footing all the medical bills during the Omwenengo’s treatment while in India.
He also revealed that the deceased King will be accorded a state funeral according to the information they received from the Ministry of Gender, Labour and Culture.
Solomon Sigombe, one of the clan leaders that led the installation process, urged the new King to be a listener and always make wise decisions that will develop their Kingdom just like his father had been doing.
In his speech, HRH Robert Obara Nahaama III assured the clan leaders, ministers that he will serve the Kingdom wholly without discrimination and called for unity and support among his subjects.
Nahaama III, now becomes the ninth King of Bugwe which traces its origin to over 100 years ago. Others are King Mulere, King Mango I, King Mango II, King Haderesa, King Wambusi, King Ogema Luhika, King Obara Malaba and the late Philip Wanyama Nahaama Hasibante II.