
MBALE: 3,000 Households to Have Their Customary Land Mapped

By Abubakar Bin Siraji




3,000 households in Bugisu sub-region are going to have their customary land mapped and issued with certificates of customary ownership. The exercise of Mapping land will start in January 2024.


The beneficiaries are drawn from Bungokho, Bushiende and Bubyangu sub-counties in Mbale district where the Land – at – scale project Uganda is going to be implemented.


This is part of the interventions in the land sector aimed at securing land tenure for small household farmers to increase food security implemented by the International Institute of Rural Reconstruction (IIRR) being funded by the Netherlands Embassy with support from UN Habitat and GLTN and the Government  of Uganda.



Chris Mafabi Omir, the chairman LC3 Bungokho Sub County said that the Mapping of land in his sub county will reduce land conflicts and land grabbing arguing that this a form of protection given by the government to the local people.


He advised the people of Bungokho Sub County to distribute land to their children rather than fragmenting it.


He said that the government supported by IIRR will conduct free land mapping for only 3,000 households in the 3 sub – counties in Mbale district.


Muhammad Mafabi, the Mbale LCV Chairperson says that the mapping of customary land in the district will solve all land-related problems. He requested that the project be rolled out to other sub-counties of Mbale District.


Christmas Munialo, the project officer – International Institute of Rural Reconstructions (IIRR) said that the(IIRR) will continue supporting the government to ensure that Land rights are upheld across Mbale and Eastern Uganda.


He also intimated that this activity is going to be institutionalized after training all parish chiefs, CDOs, ALCs, SAS, DLB, and the technical team at the District. This will enable other beneficiaries to pay a small fee at the sub county to facilitate the exercise.


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