By Sadique Bamwita
Hajji Muhammad Kamoga, the Managing Director of Kamoga property Consultants, eluded police arrest on March 28, 2025 at Entebbe Magistrate court.
Kamoga had appeared to answer multiple charges related to land fraud after he allegedly grabbed land from locals of Bukaaya village in Katabi Town Council, Wakiso district.

The embattled land broker arrived at court while cruising a Prado TX and quickly went to the Chief Magistrate’s chambers and found when the magistrate had not arrived and he then spoke to the court clerk, who adjourned the matter to May 26, 2025.
Immediately after adjourning his cases, he swiftly communicated to his second driver who was in a Toyota Wish to get ready to take him and as soon as stepped down in the court compound he immediately entered the waiting car that whisked him away to unidentified destination.
The police that had earlier received a warrant of arrest to apprehend him tried to trail the Toyota Wish car but upon reaching the junction within Entebbe town, the police patrol failed to trace the direction Hajji Kamoga had taken.
Police later returned to court and didn’t find the car the tycoon had come with at court before driving back to Entebbe police station.
After an hour when tycoon Kamoga had left court premises, the Entebbe Chief Magistrate Stella Maris Amabilisi arrived at court and a few minutes later convened court.
She began court by apologizing to the court users for arriving late and informed them that she had a meeting with the High Court judge who is coming to conduct High Court Circuit in Entebbe in the coming week.
She also informed court that she had been told by her clerk that the accused person had left court hence she could not proceed hearing the cases against him in his absence.
She requested the complainants to be patient revealing that she had been informed by the office of the Director of Public prosecution (DPP) that Hajji Kamoga had filed an appeal in the Supreme Court challenging his trial on the multiple land fraudulent cases imposed against him.
The trial Magistrate adjourned court to May 26, 2025 when the tycoon returns to court to be roasted on the multiple land related cases imposed against him.
Tycoon Kamoga is accused of fraudulently transferring land titles, forging signatures, and illegally obtaining property ownership documents. The disputed land in question measures 200 acres situated in Bukaaya village, Katabi town Council, Wakiso district, and originally belonged to Peter Bibangamba. Its alleged tycoon Kamoga forged Bibagamba’s signature on transfer forms to claim full ownership of his land without Bibagamba’s knowledge and the accuser discovered it later when he (Kamoga) started selling the accuser’s land which he had subdivided into plots.
Prosecution states that on May 7, 2021, at the Wakiso Lands office, Mr. Kamoga, with intent to deceive, forged a transfer form with respect to land on block 435 plot 8, purporting to have got permission from the original owner Peter Bibangamba whereas not.
The prosecution also alleges that on February 8, 2021, tycoon Kamoga forged a transfer form with respect to land on Block 435 in regard to 105 plots.
The embattled tycoon is also accused of uttering a false document where it is alleged that he submitted the said forged documents to the Registrar of Titles, purporting that they were signed by businessman Peter Bibangamba, which was later discovered to be forgery.
According to prosecution, Mr. Kamoga is accused of willfully procuring himself the registration of the disputed land under the Registration of Titles Act by falsely pretending that the same was transferred to him by Bibangamba. Bibangamba accuses troubled Kamoga, of subdividing his land into more than 100 plots, transferring them into his name (Kamoga), and later selling them off without his permission.
Kamoga’s accusers speak out
Mr. Andrew Nganda Bujingo whose 16 acres were allegedly grabbed by property master Muhammad Kamoga told us that: “Kamoga first befriended me purporting to help me secure my land and I trusted him a lot but later on I discovered he had grabbed my land and went on to construct a mosque on my 16 acres situated in Bukaaya village, Katabi Town Council, Wakiso district, ‘Mr. Bujingo narrated.
‘ After discovering that Kamoga had allegedly grabbed my land I dragged him to court and a warrant of arrest was issued to apprehend him and when he learnt of it he decided to go into hiding. I appeal to whoever happens to see him to arrest him, a big reward awaits him/her.
“Kamoga forged my land title and transferred it into his name and later subdivided it into plots which he has been selling to his clients. My land which is in Bukaaya village, on block no: 432 is currently valued at Shs 11billion. He has built a mosque on it but soon I am securing a court order to demolish the mosque.
‘Many of my fellow accusers especially the elderly ones have died because they could not withstand stress caused to them by Kamoga who allegedly grabbed their land. He has been arresting them.
‘I have been battling with Kamoga in court since 2018 till to date. He came to me as land broker and then he was working together with Mr. Fredrick Kwatakunsawo Ssengoba Kiwanuka but later grabbed his colleague’s land who in turn dragged him to court and court ordered Kamoga to vacate his friend’s land but he (Kamoga) stubbornly refused to comply with the court order. He went on to appeal and miserably lost the case and he was ordered to pay court costs to the complainant which has not paid till today.
Kamoga’s second accuser Harriet Nabyonga also a resident of Bukaaya village told us that: “I was surprised when Kamoga who was in company of goons armed with pangas came to my place and claimed ownership of my 3 acres of land in Bukaaya village. He ordered his goons to destroy everything on my land, they slaughtered my goats, cut down my banana plantation in addition to destroying all the crops I had planted on my garden. Thereafter, he brought a grader that destroyed my house before leveling the land where it was. I went to court to seek for justice and court reinstated me on my 3 acres of land but right now I have no money to construct a permanent house and currently I sleep in a temporary makeshift structure which is also in a dire state, “Ms. Nabyonga narrated her painful story adding that right now she wants Kamoga to compensate her for destroying her house and plants.