
TESO IS GOLD! Teso Region Has Lowest Child Death Rate in Uganda followed By Karamoja – UBOS


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Uganda Bureau of Statistics (UBOS) has released a report on Key findings from the Uganda Demographic and Health Survey (UDHS) 2022, which highlights key health indicators.


The report that was launched on the 7th September 2023 indicates that child mortality generally declined between 2001 and 2022 but was highest in West Nile, Ankole and least in Teso.

Trends in Child mortality

The detailed breakdown shows Teso leading with 21.1% followed by Karamoja 26.1%, Acholi with 28.9%, and Kampala with 32.8%.


Meanwhile, West Nile has the highest child death rate standing at 54.9% followed by Ankole 49.0%, Bunyoro 42.7%, Busoga 41.4%.


Following Busoga is Buganda with 37.4%, Lango 34.8%, Elgon 34.0% and Bukedi with 33.8%.


The child mortality is the number of deaths below age five per 1,000 live births during a given period.


It also indicates that 55% of children between 12~23 months received all basic vaccinations. However, the percentage of non vaccinated children increased from 3% to 6% in 2019/20.




Malnutrition results from insufficient food intake and can lead to increased illness or death. 30% of children are stunted, 11% underweight, 3% wasted and 4% Are overweight.


More women are overweight and obese, compared to men. More men are thin compared to women.


Current fertility stands at 5.2 children per woman 43% of women use family planning, mostly injectables, implants and condoms 59% of married women have a demand for family planning.


More men proceed for secondary education and beyond, more women attend primary education and less cross to secondary. Karamoja is most fertile at 6.7 while Kampala is least at 3.7.


Men have more knowledge of HIV and it’s prevention compared to women (83% and 73% respectively) More women know that AIDS can be transmitted during pregnancy, delivery and breast feeding but can be prevented by MTCT.


Maternal mortality ratio has dropped from 336 (2009-2016) to 189 per 100,000 live births. This includes all deaths in the period of pregnancy, irrespective of the cause.

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