
NAMISINDWA: District Allocates Only Gov’t Aided Sec School to Buwatuwa Sub County

By Weswa Ronnie




Namisindwa district local government has allocated the only government aided secondary school to Buwatuwa Sub County.


This was revealed by Jackson Wakwaika, the LCV chairperson of Namisindwa district in an exclusive telephone interview on 3rd January, 2023.


Wakwaika says they chose Buwatuwa Sub County because it is one of the sub counties in the district without a private or government aided secondary school.


“We believe this is going to improve education standards in the sub county which have been low because secondary school going children have been travelling long distances to the neighbouring district of Manafwa,” He said.


Sophie Kuloba Namutosi, the Namisindwa District Education Officer says that the school is going to start from part of the buildings belonging to Buwabwala primary school.


She adds that they are going to get teachers from other neighbouring secondary schools that will be facilitated by parents.


Kuloba adds that management, sub county leaders and parents of the school will register the school with the district and later at the Ministry of Education before the government takes it over.


Wilson Walimbwa, the Buwatuwa sub county district councillor urged locals to embrace the development such that they can improve on secondary education in the area.


Sam Kundu, the LCIII chairperson of Buwatuwa sub county expressed his happiness with the school saying school dropouts have been too many especially girl children since secondary schools are far.


Peter Deo Mutambo, the Namisindwa district Uganda teacher’s union chairperson says that he is going to engage teachers from different secondary schools to come and offer voluntary service at this school since its young and they are aiming to develop it.

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